Quick Reads

quick read — Emotional intelligence

A Quick Read in Emotional intelligence graphic that includes a chart depicting the 8 Signs You Have Higher Emotional Intelligence Than the Average Person 1. You See Emotions as Messengers, Not Threats 2. You Listen to Your Emotions, But Don’t Always Trust Them 3. You Talk About Your Emotions Clearly and Directly 4. You Can Distinguish Between Thoughts and Emotions 5. You Feel Your Emotions Physically 6. You Validate Your Emotions Without Judgment 7. You Understand That You Can’t Control Emotions, Only Your Reactions 8. You Are Compassionate Toward Other People’s Emotions

8 Signs You Have Higher Emotional Intelligence Than the Average Person

Emotional intelligence isn’t about ignoring your emotions or trying to push them away—it’s about working with them. Most of us struggle with emotions not because we’re flawed, but because we were never taught how they work. Think of it like math: if no one ever explained how numbers work, you wouldn’t be surprised that you struggled with equations. Yet, when we face challenges with our emotions, we often assume something is wrong with us.

People who have a better understanding of their emotions—who can work with them rather than run from them—are generally more emotionally intelligent. Here are eight signs that you might have higher emotional intelligence than the average person:

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